Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I am always looking for new bread recipes and new ways to make. I saw a pan that would make my french bread crunchier. It is a stone bread crock. You put it in the oven cold and bake for about 45 min. I also found a recipe for bread with cranberries,raisins and nuts. I started to make it last night because it has to raise for 8 to 12 hours. You make it into a 15 inch loaf and put in the baking crock and let it rise for another 2 hours. It turned out beautiful and the crust very crunchy. Eric had a slice right out of the oven. He said it was great. I don't really eat bread, so I leave the taste to other people. I just love to make it and smell it.

1 comment:

B & E said...

It looks yummy! I guess we will have to come back for a taste.