Tuesday, November 3, 2009


A few years ago Meredith wanted a lemon tree for her birthday. Eric and I said,okay.A year or so later it produced 12 good sized lemons. Its all in her blog if you want to check it out.(cliffordinarabia.blogspot.com) Well... You know all those catalogs you get after Christmas for gardening??? Eric and I saw for $10.00,a lemon,tangerine,orange tree. What the heck, we ordered it. it was about 6 inches when we received it. It was three different trees together in a small bundle.So we planted it and set it outside when the weather got warm. It is now 2ft tall.We brought it in just before the frost. It loves the family room window,it gets alot of afternoon sun. We noticed a few weeks ago some blossoms forming on the lemon side. We are pretty excited. If Meredith can do it in New York City, surely we can do it here.She said it took about a year for the lemons to be ripe enough to use, no problem. I think this idea is going to be very cool.

1 comment:

B & E said...

I love the blossoms. Do they have any smell?